Michael Germershausen, Managing Director of Antal International in Eurasian region presented the results of the annual Job Market Overview & Salary Survey of Antal Kazakhstan
Results of the Labor Market Survey 2022 in Kazakhstan:
– Salary level in 2022
– Plans of companies’ employees on finding new job
– Ways to find a job in 2022. How can an employer save money on job sites?
– Job satisfaction. Non-material and material motivation, benefits, corporate social responsibility.
– Reasons for choosing an employer. Why do employees leave and why do they come to the company?
Video recording of the meeting
Full report is available upon request:
RUS https://antalkazakhstan.kz/job-market-overview-and-salary-survey-2022-kazakhstan/
ENG https://antalkazakhstan.kz/en/job-market-overview-and-salary-survey-2022/