Tel: +7 727 258 28 21

    Elections of the Executive Team for EUROBAK ESG Committee


11:00 - 12:00

Event Type

Dear EUROBAK Members,

We would like to announce the elections of the Executive Team for EUROBAK ESG Committee.

Environmental, Social, and Governance matters of any business are interlinked with each other and for the past few years, ESG has gained a greater importance among investors, policymakers, and other key stakeholders because it is seen as a way to safeguard businesses from future risks. And we invite our Members to join our work on developing ESG agenda in Kazakhstan

To run for a position at the ESG Executive Team please, contact Evgenia Potlova no later than 13 February, 17.00.

Please, kindly pay attention on the following deadlines:

13 February (latest): a copy of the completed, signed and stamped Nomination Form should be sent to
24 February (latest): originals of Nomination forms should be delivered to EUROBAK office, at InterContinental Hotel, 110 Office, 181 Zheltoksan Str., Almaty

Voting will be held online via Zoom platform on 27 February, at 11.00.




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    Elections of the Executive Team for EUROBAK ESG Committee

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